September 2, 2016

A European convention dedicated to Mineral Sciences

September 11 marks the opening of the 2nd European Mineralogical Conference at the Palacongressi di Rimini. This is the most important European event of the year for mineral sciences, the category of geological fields including mineralogy, petrology geochemistry and volcanology.  

The main national European associations from Austria, Finland, France, Great Britain, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland and Germany will meet up in Rimini until September 15 at the congress coordinated by SIMP - Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology, chaired by professors Giuseppe Cruciani (University of Ferrara) and Bernardo Cesare (University of Padova).

Over 700 participants are expected, a third of whom are young researchers and students from over 50 countries, both within and beyond Europe.

Over the five-day conference, entitled "Minerals and rocks: the alphabet and words of planet Earth", 400 scientific verbal interventions and 300 poster information boards will be provided. The lectures will range from genesis to the evolution of rocks in the Earth's crust and mantle, from the origin of diamonds to the relationship between volcanic eruptions and the greenhouse effect, from the best practice for the disposal of mining waste and soil remediation.

There will be six plenary conferences held by world renowned scientists. EMC2016 will also showcase how state of the art mineralogy-petrology-geochemistry-volcanology promotes the exchange and transfer of information between experts around the world, as regards the latest results obtained by scientific research and its applications.